We are very passionate about creating the best footwear possible right here in Seattle, WA with our small (but mighty) team of top notch LUNAtics. We do everything from assembling soles, sewing tags, lacing, boxing and shipping all in house - so it is a huge honor to have won the American Made Outdoor Gear Award from Kokatat!
2017 marks ten years since Barefoot Ted originally started experimenting with how to make amazing, simple, versatile footwear - and we couldn't be more excited to celebrate winning our very own Sassy (a wooden Sasquatch trophy carved from California Redwood) ! She will be placed in a very important location for all of us to admire on a daily basis while we continue to make the sandals brought her into our lives.
Thanks for all of your support! You can read more about the award and LUNA sandals below.
Seattle based LUNA Sandals took top honors for the American Made Outdoor Gear Award – sponsored by Kokatat at the 2017 Winter Outdoor Retailer Show. Originating in 2013, the award recognizes domestic manufacturers with compelling stories.
LUNA Sandals was officially born in 2010 after founder Barefoot Ted McDonald & business partner Scott Smuin joined forces to create the best adventure sandal possible. Inspired by the footwear of the Tarahumara tribe in the Copper Canyons of Mexico, Barefoot Ted developed an acute appreciation for simple, high quality footwear. His story is even chronicled in the book Born to Run, by Christopher McDougall.
“Being completely immersed in crafting the best adventure sandals possible has been an amazing 10 year adventure for me. We are so happy to have been honored by Kokatat, and we are more excited than ever to innovate and create the simplest and most soulful sandals possible.” – Founder of LUNA Sandals Barefoot Ted McDonald
LUNA Sandals has gained international acclaim among the running, hiking and outdoor adventure communities over the past 6 years. While the company began producing prototypes out of a garage, they have grown into a full-fledged production facility located in the Queen Anne area of Seattle, WA. You can view their 2017 line of sandals here: https://lunasandals.com/catalog